工国际是意大利USCO集团(品牌ITR销售微信/热线:13761930073,投诉微信/热线:13524956395,商务QQ: 942855334)在远东地区销售公司,专注于销售推土机配件。产品有:推土机全车配件:水箱片、散热器垫子、风扇叶、平衡梁及轴承、机油冷却器总成、水泵、滤清器、涡轮增压器、液压变矩器与终传动、推土机框架结构件、散热器、工作泵/齿轮泵、液压齿轮、轴承、发动机曲轴、发动机缸体/缸盖、支重轮圆子销、凸轮轴、柱塞泵、双联泵/三联泵/串宁联泵/叶片泵/转向泵/变速泵/液压大泵、水泵、行走泵、扇叶泵,齿轮件等推土机发动机配件、液压泵及配件、齿轮件、电器配件、推土机全车零件
ITR产品良好可靠的使用性能已获得众多OEM制造商的青睐,USCO集团旗下的制造厂始终坚持“以质量求发展” 的企业宗旨,不断提高产品质量及全球市场占有率。
The pillar of the USCO product range, repair parts represent the kingpin around which the Modenese company has grown and developed since its creation and in the course of the 90’s. The product range has continuously been developed over time, not only by building up the distribution network, but also through acquisitions aimed at the manufacture of more delicate products. In parallel, USCOhas considerably bolstered the Engineering and R&D Departments from a qualitative and a quantitative point of view developing strong design expertise. Another important aspect that makes the ITR repair parts stand out lies in the numerous quality controls carried out at its production plants, at its suppliers, and when the products come into the USCO warehouses. These controls guarantee that the high level of quality is maintained for all the macro areas in which the repair parts department is divided, that is to say, engine, hydraulic, transmission and frame parts being the pulsating heart of an earth moving machine must be kept under tight and constant control. USCO can today boast to be a company offering one of the most complete product ranges in the world, permanently available on stock. USCO, through ITR Meccanica, has an annual production capacity of 60.000 pumps with more than 400 different types for Caterpillar and Komatsu machines.All the items in the ITR spare parts range can be ordered online via the dedicated e-commerce section.