1、各类罐车均采用国内成熟的原装底盘进行改装,用户也可自带各类底盘来厂改装。the tank trucks are refitted based on domestic excellent original chassis, and customer can provide chassis for the refitting if practical
2、罐体采用武汉钢铁公司生产的4mm、5mm、6mm、8mm优质钢材,按国际标准制造,外形分椭圆或方形罐。the tanks are made of refined 4mm,5mm,6mm,and 7mm steel from WISCO .they are shaped of oval and round square with international standard
3、罐体内采用先进人对接焊技术,罐体成行后高压气体试漏检测,使罐体具有强度高、重心稳、车辆运载平稳等特点。Inside of the tanks are adopted advanced butt welding technique. After tank body being formed, it’s inspected with high-pressure gas leakage, which is to enable the tank body to have characteristics of high intensity, stable gravity and safe vehicle transport.
4、酒精,等化工罐车采用韩国进口不锈钢制作,厚度为4mm、5mm、6mm、8mm,也呆采用铝板制作。Alcohol and chemical tanks are adopted stainless steel of 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, and 8mm imported from Korea.
5、各类硫酸、盐酸、碱液罐车采用塑料进行制作,厚度为12mm\-22mm,罐体焊后采用喷丸预处理工艺,实现除锈防锈,油漆采用先进烤漆技术,外形美观经久耐用。Vitriol, hydrochloric acid and alkaline fluid tanks are made of plastic materials and thickness is 12mm~22mm.
6、根据罐车用途可选用离心泵、齿轮泵、同心齿轮泵、不锈钢泵,具有流量大、吸速快等特点。也可选装其他型号自吸泵。According to the application to choose centrifugal pump, self-priming pump, gear pump, copper-core gear pump, or stainless steel pump, which have characters of large flow, fast sucking. As well other types of self-priming pump can be used. We can make special tank, such as heating or pump according to customer’s special.
7、油罐车计量可采用单计数、双计数回零流量计,或选用车载税控电脑加油进行计量,食用油可选用油品电脑计量器进行计量。, The oil tank can be fixed with single-counting, double-counting control choose to fix oil-filling dispenser with tax control. For edible oil meter can be used.