
Development of Earth-moving Machinery Industry
and Strategies of Liugong
广西柳工机械股份有限公司  曾光安/ Zeng Guang'an

1 中国经济增长的趋势

2 目前的宏观调控有利于行业持续发展

3 铲土运输机械行业发展的趋势

4 柳工的策略和措施


1 Trend of Economic Growth in China

2 Positive Effects of Macro-control Mea-sures on Sustainable Development of the Industry

3 Growth Trend of Earth Moving Machin-ery Industry

With the soaring growth in the past decade, China’s market for earth moving machinery industry, including loaders, graders and bulldozers etc., has become the leader in the world’s four biggest markets. Demand for loaders has grown from ten thousand units ten years ago to almost one billion units in the same pace with the growth of excavator market, the fastest growing subsidiary sector in construction machinery industry. As outperforming private enterprises surged in the market, foreign capital joint ventures also rolled out their penetration into China market. Meanwhile, domestic components suppliers transferred to privatized and internationalized enterprises and consumer groups changed to private and individual customers.

Under the fierce competition, prices of products continued falling instead of rising. For instance, prices of loaders fell above 30% compared with the previous years without any remarkable improvement made on technology and quality. Problems on earth moving machinery industry are gradually rising to be resolved.

(1) High inventory, large amount of accounts recei-vables, cash flow shortage, and extremely high output.

(2) High cost and low profit in comparison.

(3) Low quality and sluggish new technology deve-lopment.

(4) Massive low-level repetitive output hard to consume.

Based on the forecast, earth moving machinery industry will follow the trend of growth below.

(1) Demands in the near future will remain high.

(2) In line with the intensive market competition, price cuts and installment payment will be the short-term orientation strategies to increase market share while product upgrading and value added service will be the long-term strategies.

(3) Merging, restructuring, bank-ruptcy and withdrawing will be seen among manufacturers. The coming era of mergence will bring more reasonable development for China’s construction machinery industry.

(4) Customers’ requirements to quality, reliability, technology, service and spare parts supply will be rising. Better price negotiation tricks from customers will be seen and changes will somewhat take in consumer groups.

(5) Demands for new product and new categories of products ??will grow and changes will be seen in regional demands.

(6) Appearance of new business models including rental sales, second-hand vehicle business will be seen and financing channels for customers and dealers will be improved. Operation of dealers will be more regulated but will be more differentiated in the near future.

(7) Growth speed and foreign owned companies may largely differentiate.

4 Strategies and App-roaches of Guangxi Liu-gong Machinery Co., Ltd.
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