3月8日至12日,在著名的印度新得里-孟买高速公路上,柳工856Hmanbetx.com 参与挑战了一项独特的道路建设新纪录——于100小时内转移超40,000吨DBM(Dense Bituminous Macadam)材料,被载入当地INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS。
On the famous New Delhi-Mumbai highway in India, from March 8 to 12, the LiuGong 856H loader was part of a new record in road construction — it transferred over 40,000 tons of DBM (Dense Bituminous Macadam) material in 100 hours. This achievement was recorded in the local INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS.
活动由柳工印度关键客户与当地某工程总承包公司共同组织和完成。任务极具挑战性,要求持续大量地投料、生产、维护,并把所有物料在路面推平。该客户拥有80台柳工5吨manbetx.com ,派出了其中4台856H与另2台搅拌站组队挑战。
The event was organized and conducted by LiuGong's key customer in India, together with a local general contractor. The task was extremely challenging, requiring the continuous feeding, production, and maintenance of large masses of material, and for all the material to be levelled on the road. The customer owns 80 LiuGong 5-ton loaders, and dispatched 4 of the 856Hs and 2 batch plants for the challenge.
From day to night, operating for 100 hours without stopping, the LiuGong wheel loaders ran a marathon operation with continuous, uninterrupted feeding. LiuGong sent 3 engineers, one service truck, and sufficient spare parts to guarantee the operation of the equipment throughout the challenge for the record. At noon on March 12th, the challenge came to a close, and a total of 42,666 tons of DBM material was paved on 50.03 kilometers of road. People celebrated the achievement at the site as the team had successfully completed the challenge!