三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会

三联机械 2023-08-30

三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会

三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会

S. L Machinery Attended the 2023 Anhui Mining Machinery and Engineering Machinery Sand and Stone Machinery Exhibition and the 2023 Anhui Quartz Industry Conference



On August 25, 2023, the 2023 Anhui Mining Machinery, Engineering Machinery, and Sand Machinery Exhibition and the 2023 Anhui Quartz Industry Conference were successfully held at the Hefei city Binhu International Convention and Exhibition Center.



Opening Ceremony

三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会


This conference focuses on showcasing global engineering machinery, sand and gravel aggregates, construction waste treatment technology, green mining equipment, sand making equipment, crushing equipment, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality development achievements and technologies in the construction materials industry; Quanzhou Sanlian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "S.L Machinery"), as a leader in the brick machine industry, was invited to attend the event.


活动现场  Event site

三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会三联机械出席 | 2023安徽矿山机械、工程机械、砂石机械展览会暨2023安徽石英产业大会


At the event site, many customers discussed with Manager Mr Guo Jing and Manager Ms Zhou Chaoxia of S.L Machinery on how to promote low-carbon, high-quality, integrated, and high-quality development of industries such as quartz sand, construction waste, and sand and gravel aggregates.


The technical achievements of the S.L Machinery in the fields of quartz sand, construction solid waste, sand and gravel aggregates, tailings, etc. explained to the attendees the current situation of resource utilization of construction solid waste in China. S.L Machinery can be used as large-scale equipment. In 2022,S.L Machinery launched the SLST2400 ultra large hydraulic brick production line, which mainly focuses on the production of large hydraulic bricks and ecological retaining wall blocks. The maximum feature can support a maximum finished product size of 1500×1300× 600mm, exceeding the industry's molding limit of 1300×1300× 500mm.


With nearly thirty years of industry experience, s.L Machinery can provide you with processes and equipment for producing large retaining wall blocks and hydraulic blocks using quartz sand, construction solid waste, sand and gravel aggregates, and tailings.

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