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LR6A沥青乳化设备工艺先进,研磨后粒度小、分布均匀,乳化沥青质量高、性能稳定;It is designed with advanced technology. The milling fineness is good and even. The performance of emulsified asphalt is reliable with high quality。
It is designed with advanced technology. The milling fineness is good and even. The performance of emulsified asphalt is reliable with high quality.
Asphalt flowand soapflowbeelectrically adjusted to ensure the accurate ratio.
The soap mixing and delivery system are consisted of soap tank, mixing tank, pipes, pump and valve. All parts made of stainless steel with good high temperature and corrosion resistance ability.
Thermal oil pipelines coiled inside the raw bitumen tan for heating, then with rock wool insulation layer covered outside to ensure the quick rising up of bitumen temperature and good insulation ability.
Electronic control system can help to collect data as flowing rate and temperature of high intelligent.
International advanced platform design concept introduced on the equipment with skid-mounted structure, which makes the transit easier.