● 先进的设计和优化的配置,满足各等级公路基层与面层的施工要求;
● 全液压驱动,微电脑恒速控制,具有数字显示和故障诊断功能;
● 左右输、分料用超声波料位控制,实现自动比例均匀供料,减少离析现象;
● 高精度自动找平仪对路面的平整度提供可靠的保证;
● 高强度双振捣、带振动装置熨平板,无论摊铺基层和面层都能达到理想的摊铺效果;
● 进口集中润滑系统,可以定时定量自动地向所有高温部位轴承加注润滑脂,大大提高了输、分料传动的可靠性;
● 液压件、减速机等关键部件及易磨损部位的耐磨钢板均采用世界知名品牌产品,保证机器的可靠性,有效的延长了机器的使用
● Advanced design & optimized configuration, operable for paving graded roads' base and surface.
● Full hydraulic drive with uniform speed controlled by microcomputer, digital display, diagnosis and trouble-shooting function.
● Amount of materials fed to both sides are controlled by ultrasonic sensors to achieve optimum proportion and uniform distribution,
minimizing segregation.
● High-accuracy auto. Leveling sensors ensure mat’s surface flatness.
● Powerful double tampers with screed vibration can achieve high pavement quality for both the base and surface courses.
● Imported centralized lubrication system, automatically charging lubricating grease to all high temperature bearings, improving
machine reliability.
● Key components such as hydraulic elements, speed reducers and wear resistant steel plates are imported from world class
manufacturers to ensure product quality as well as increase the service life of the paver.