厦装 XZ656-I 装载机参数配置

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厦装 XZ656-I 装载机





厦装 XZ656-I 技术参数

主要外形尺寸  Dimensions
名  称(Description) 机  型(Model)
XZ656-Ⅰ XZ656L-Ⅰ XZ656C-Ⅰ XZ656J-Ⅰ
车长(斗平放地面)  Overall length(bucket on the ground) 7350±20mm 7980±20mm 7560±20mm 7560±20mm
车宽(车轮外侧)  Overall width(outside of the wheels) 2890±10mm 2890±10mm 2890±10mm 2890±10mm
车高  Overall height 3400±15mm 3400±15mm 3400±15mm 3400±15mm
斗宽  Bucket width 3020±15mm 3020±15mm 3045±15mm  
轴距  Wheel base 2810±15mm 2810±15mm 2810±15mm 2810±15mm
轮距  Wheel track 2300±10mm 2300±10mm 2300±10mm 2300±10mm
最小离地间隙  Min. ground clearance  450±10mm  450±10mm  450±10mm  450±10mm
最大卸载高度  Max. dumping height 3180±15mm 3350±15mm 2950±15mm 2850±15mm
最大高度的卸载距离  Dumping distance at the highest position 1260±15mm 1640±15mm 1380±15mm 1530±15mm
性能  Performance
标准斗容量  Standard bucket capacity 2.7m3 3.3m3 2.3m3  
整机质量  Operating weight 16.6±0.5t 17.1±0.5t 17.1±0.5t 16.1±0.5t
额定载荷  Rated load 5.0t 3.5t 3.6t 4.0t
爬坡度  Climbing gradient ≥28° ≥28° ≥28° ≥28°
掘起力  Breakout force ≥140kN ≥118kN ≥140kN ≥130kN
牵引力  Traction force ≥140kN ≥140kN ≥140kN ≥140kN
车速  Travel speed
前进  Forward Ⅰ档  Forward gear Ⅰ 12km/h
Ⅱ档  Forward gear Ⅱ 38km/h
后退  Reverse Ⅰ档  Reverse gear Ⅰ 16km/h
工作系统动作时间  Actuation time for working system
提升  Raise 卸载  Dump 下降(空斗)  Lower(empty bucket) 三项和  Total
6.2s 1.1s 4.5s 11.8s


XZ656-Ⅰ系列  主要技术参数      XZ656-Ⅰseries  Main specifications
名  称(Description) 技术规格(Technical specifications)
发动机 Engine 型号  Model WD10G220E11(潍柴斯太尔)(可选配上柴6121)
额定功率  Rated power 162kW
额定转速  Rated speed 2200r/min
最大扭矩  Max. torque 843N.m/1500r/min
总排气量  Total air displacement 9.726L
汽缸数-内径×行程  Number of cylinder-bore×stroke 6-?126×130
额定工况燃油消耗率  Rated fuel consumption rate 215g/(kw.h)
传动系统  Transmission system 液力变矩器 Hydraulic torque converter 形式  Type 单级四元件  Single-stage four-element
变矩系数 Torque coefficient Ko=4.0±0.24
冷却方式  Cooling method 油冷压力循环  Oil-cooling pressure circulation
进口油压  Inlet oil pressure 0.4-0.5MPa
变速箱  Gearbox 形式  Type 液压换档行星变速 Hydraulic shift planetary transmission
驱动桥 Driving axle 主传动形式  Type of main transmission 螺旋伞齿轮一级减速 One-stage spiral bevel gear deceleration
减速比  Reduction ratio 4.625:1
轮边减速形式  Type of final drive 直齿圆柱齿轮行星传动 Straight toothed spur-gear planetary transmission
减速比  Reduction ratio 4.875:1
工作液压系统 Working hydraulic system 举升油缸数-内径×行程  Number of lift cylinder-bore×stroke XZ656L-Ⅰ 2-?160×840
XZ656-Ⅰ/XZ656C-Ⅰ/XZ656J-Ⅰ 2-?160×930
转斗油缸数-内径×行程  Number of tilt cylinder-bore×stroke XZ656L-Ⅰ 2-?125×632
XZ656-Ⅰ/XZ656C-Ⅰ/XZ656J-Ⅰ 2-?125×628
工作油泵/排量  Working oil pump/ Displacement CBGj2100 / 100ml/r
系统工作压力  Working pressure 16.0MPa
分配阀型号  Type of distribution valve XZ656-Ⅰ/XZ656L-Ⅰ DF32.2C
XZ656C-Ⅰ/XZ656J-Ⅰ DF32.3B
转向系统 Steering system 形式  Type 铰接全液压负荷传感同轴流量放大转向  Coaxial flux-enlarging articulated,fully hydraulic steering
转向油缸数-内径×行程  Number of steering cylinder-bore×stroke 2-?90×340
转向泵/排量  Steering pump / Displacement CBGj2080 / 80ml/r
系统工作压力  Working pressure 16.0MPa
制动系统 Brake system 行车制动(脚制动)  Driving brake(Foot-brake) 气顶油盘式四轮制动 Air-pushing-oil disc brake on four wheels
停车制动(手制动)  Parking brake(Hand-brake) 操纵软轴钳盘式 Cable-controlled caliper disc brake
轮胎 Tyre 规格  Specification 23.5-25
轮胎气压  Tyre pressure  前轮:0.30~0.32MPa,后轮:0.28~0.30MPa Front:0.30~0.32MPa,Rear:0.28~0.30MPa
注:XZ656L的工作装置设计条件为装卸比重≤1.05t/m3的轻散型物料,铲斗容量3.3m3,铲斗额定载荷3.5t,如果超载,将有可能发生严重的损坏和翻车事故,造成不必要的损失和伤亡;请用户在装载工作时注意,不要超载。 Note:The design condition for working device of XZ656L is to load and unload light loose materials whose specific gravity is less than 1.05t/m3;The bucket capacity is 3.3m3.The rated load can not be exceeded 3.5t,if that,some serious damage or accident will happen to cause casualties,pay attention to it,please.


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