- 北京
- 上海
- 天津
- 重庆
- 河北
- 山西
- 内蒙古
- 辽宁
- 吉林
- 黑龙江
- 江苏
- 浙江
- 安徽
- 福建
- 江西
- 山东
- 河南
- 湖北
- 湖南
- 广东
- 广西
- 海南
- 四川
- 贵州
- 云南
- 西藏
- 陕西
- 甘肃
- 青海
- 宁夏
- 新疆
- 台湾
- 香港
- 澳门
- 北京
- 西城
- 东城
- 朝阳
- 丰台
- 石景山
- 海淀
- 顺义
- 通州
- 大兴
- 房山
- 门头沟
- 昌平
- 平谷
- 密云
- 怀柔
- 延庆
Main technology characters
The skeleton of the making block machine: adopt stain with high intensity and special craft for welding so it is very strong.
The pillar of orientation: adopt very strong and special stain. The plated chromium on the surface has good ability for anti-twisting and is very durable.
The pressure head of mould: the machinery, power-generating equipment and hydraulic pressure are drive synchronously. Height difference in the same pallet is very mint and the consistency of the product is good.
The distributing equip driving technology of sensor and hydraulic pressure comparison. With the impact of distributing car and break equip it discharge the material fast and averagely. It is very good for the multi-holes products for the thin wall.
The vibrating equip: drive by the technology lf electricity and hydraulic pressure . With the multi-vibrating system, it can vibrate vertical with synchronism by hydraulic pressure under the control of computer. It can adjust the frequency to realize adding material in the low frequency and taking shape in the high frequency. It can get good effect of vibrating for the different material. The rating of acceleration of vibrating can be up to 17.5G.
Controlling system: controlled by computer with MITSWBISHIPU screen. With the 15-years experiment, the controlling procedure is designed perfectly. The system need not professional to operate. The people who get simple training can operate.
Storing and distributing material equip: The material supplied is controlled by computer, which will avoid by external cause, it can supply the material averagely and continuity, so it will cut the difference of intensity of the product..