操作质量(Operating weight) |
≤30.5(T) |
额定载荷(Rated load) |
≤28(T) |
货架尺寸(Bracket dimensions) |
1416×1027×395(MM) |
最小转弯半径(前轮外侧) |
8371(MM) |
Min. turning radius (Outer of front wheel) |
最小转弯半径(叉牙外侧) |
8085(MM) |
Min. turning radius(Outer of forks) |
外形尺寸 (Overall dimensions) |
9326×3015×3720(MM) |
最小离地间隙 (Min. ground clearance) |
570(MM) |
轴距(Wheel base) |
3650(MM) |
轮距(Wheel track) |
2340(MM) |
最大爬坡能力(Grade ability) |
20(°) |
铲斗容量(Bucket capacity) |
2.7(M3) |
发动机(Engine) |
型号(Model) |
WD10G240E21 |
额定转速(Rated rotated speed) |
2200(R/MIN.) |
额定功率(Rated power) |
175(KW) |
传动型式(Transmission type) |
定轴式 (Power shift, countershaft) |
行车制动型式(Driving brake type) |
四轮双管路钳盘式制动 |
驻车制动型式(Parking brake type) |
钳盘式手制动 |
转向角度(Turning angle) |
30±2(°) |
工作装置型式(Working device type) |
液压先导控制 (Joystick pilot control) |
系统工作压力(System pressure) |
21Mpa |
加油容量(Oil capacity) |
燃油(Fuel) |
380(L) |
液压油(Hydraulic oil) |
380(L) |
轮胎规格(Tire size) |
26.5R25-28 |
特别提示 Special tips:
Tire chains should be mounted on front wheels before operation, to protect tires from sharp stones.
When operating, please select flat road. Keep vertical between the machine and objects.
Drop the lift arms slowly.
Please uplift the fork to ensure the objects and machine stable before driving.
During fork loading and uploading, please keep the fork close to ground.
When driving with load, please keep low speed, slow turning and keep bigger turning radius.
优越的性能 Powerful performance
★ 新型外观人性化设计,造型新颖美观视野广阔。
New style1 and novel appearance, humanized design, cabin with broad vision field.
★ 单(双)手柄先导操纵系统,手、电控换挡装置,使整机操作更轻便、更舒适。
Single(double) handle pilot control system as well as manual shift & electric control transmission to ensure easy operation and more comfortable.
Beside the special design of structure, all steel plate thickened, including lift arm and hinge plate. Bigger lifting cylinder, hinge pin and hinge bearing increase supporting capacity greatly, making GK826 more powerful & durable.
★ 双泵合流和等值卸荷液压系统,合理利用发动机功率,有效降低能耗。独立传动油和液压油散热,提高液压系统稳定性。
To adopt confluence of double pumps and equivalents unloading hydraulic systems, rational use of engine power, reduce energy consumption effectively. Transmission oil and hydraulic oil cooling independently, improve the hydraulic system.
GK826 equips with removable additional counterbalance weight. The users can decide to use them or not according to actual working condition.
★ 配备专用刹车水箱,防止刹车钳温度过高,制动更安全。
Special water tank is applied for cooling brake disc, ensure brake safely.
★ 倒车警报装置确保安全操作。
Reversing alarm can prevent the occurrence of accident during the reversing process.
★ 配重由传统型直角优化成陵角,既美观又使操作更灵活。
The counterbalance weight is optimized from right-angle to diamond type angle. This improvement brings nice appearance and flexible operation.
★ 前后轮辋加固,增加驱动桥的协调性和稳定性。
All wheel rims are strengthened by reinforcement rib, remarkably increase carrying capacity and stability of axle.
★ 整体式前车架增加承载力和结构强度。
The integral front chassis increases the bearing capacity and the structure strength.
★ 采用ZL60加强型桥,制动由原来单桥4钳变为单桥6钳。
The adoption of enhanced ZL60 axle contributes powerful supporting capability and lower fault rate. There are 6 brake calipers on each axle to ensure safety driving.
★ 叉牙加厚到15公分,承载力加大,使用寿命延长。
Fork is 150mm in thickness and has tremendous bearing capacity and longer service life.
★ 潍柴节能专用型发动机,动力强劲。
Energy-saving Weichai engine is specialized for mining purpose with strong power output.